• Travel experiences

    Moments in Australia: The Great Barrier Reef from above

    Flying to North Queensland as a part of our exploration of the  Great Barrier Reef in a propeller plane. There are only a few passengers on board and it almost feels like a private jet, champagne not included. Pristine blue waters and pieces of land here and there are a pretty view, but I hope for something more, something better. My wish is to fly over the Great Barrier Reef and to capture its beauty on camera. The flight is short – just 1.15 hours. As time goes by, I start getting used to the thought that we are probably flying too close to the coastline and chances to see…

  • Travel experiences

    Moments in Australia: the Great Barrier Reef, close and personal

    The trip to Whitsunday Islands, a gateway to the Great Barrier Reef, begins after a few days in Sydney with detailed information about the flight in the waiting area. Is this a news channel?! Never before have I listened to such a comprehensive monologue regarding the flight, the weather, and everything related. Impressive! The thought of spending a  few days in the humid, tropical climate of Queensland, already excites me and teases the adventurer in me. Where is the sun? Why are clouds hiding the turquoise water, and, wait, is it raining?! It’s not the wet season! Busy with my confused thoughts, I am trying to peek between the clouds…

  • Travel experiences

    Moments in Australia: beach weather? Think again!

    Beaches are among the many amazing things Australia is widely known for. There are more than 10, 000 beaches  Down Under, some of them are world famous. Beach lovers would hardly get bored with such an impressive collection – they can visit a different beach every day until they grow old and beyond. As long as the weather is nice, of course! Due to my gargantuan interest in and passion for Australia, I knew prior to our trip that mornings and evenings at Uluru in the continent’s Red Center, can be freezing and that Sydney and Melbourne get lower temperatures in winter. Even snow covers the mountain regions of New South…

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